

【パクソジュン 京城クリーチャー】

こんにちは。本当に気になることがあって コメントを残します。

안녕하세요. 정말 궁금한 점이 있어서 댓글 남깁니다.
일본의 역사교육에서 731부대의 인체실험에 대한 내용이 전혀 없습니까?
만약 없다면 731 부대의 인체 실험은 한국과 중국의 역사왜곡으로 보시나요?







「中国戦線では毒ガスも使用され、満州などにおかれた日本軍施設では毒ガスや細菌兵器の研究が行われた。満州のハルピンには、731 部隊と呼ばれる細菌研究の特殊部隊(石井四郎中将ら)がおかれ、中国人やソ連の捕虜を使った生体実験が行われた」












구 만주에 방역 연구를 실시하는 이시이 시로 군의관을 장으로 하는 의료 연구 부대(731부대)가 존재했습니다.

그곳에서는 세균무기에 대한 연구가 진행되고 중국인을 이용한 인체실험이 있었을 것이라는 의혹이 있습니다.

그러나 여러 가지 설이 있고 의혹에 관해 확실한 증거는 없습니다.

증거라고 칭하는 것은 대부분 전문입니다.

그러나 많은 일본인들은 ‘731부대 연구에서 인체실험이 있었을 가능성이 있다’고 생각합니다.

이렇게 기재한 교과서도 있습니다.

야마카와출판 ‘상설일본사B’
「중국 전선에서는 독가스도 사용됐고 만주 등에 놓인 일본군 시설에서는 독가스와 세균무기 연구가 이뤄졌다.만주 하얼핀에는 731부대로 불리는 세균연구 특수부대(이시이 시로 중장 등)가 배치돼 중국인과 소련 포로를 이용한 생체실험이 이뤄졌다」

그런데 화학무기·생물무기에 대해서는 열강 각국에서 경쟁적으로 연구개발을 하고 있었습니다.

전쟁 전의 일본도 이 ‘각국’에 들어갑니다.

미국, 러시아(소련), 독일, 프랑스…, 현재에 이르기까지 각국에서 연구가 거듭되고 있습니다.

이시이 부대가 세균무기 연구를 실시했을 가능성은 있지만 절대 확실한 증거(그것은 인체 실험 데이터)는 발견되지 않았습니다.

애초에 존재하지 않았는지 불태웠는지 알 수 없습니다.

GHQ는 이시이 대장을 네 차례에 걸쳐 상당한 시간을 할애하여 조사했습니다

그러나 이시이를 포함한 옛 731부대 의사들은 유죄를 묻지 않고 유유한 여생을 만끽했습니다.

확실한 것은 경성(서울)에는 731부대와 같은 의료연구부대가 없고 조선인에게 인체실험을 한 적도 없습니다.

조선인은 당시에는 일본 국민이었습니다.

일본인과 함께 일본편에서 미국이나 중국과 싸웠습니다.

경성에는 731부대와 같은 의료연구부대가 있어서 조선인을 잡아 인체실험을 했다는 것은 완전한 거짓말입니다!



2023釜山国際映画祭(10月4日~13日)閉幕の前日だった。 彼は芸能記者として何度もここを訪れていた。








●ファイナンストゥデイ 2023年10月14日 11:32
カールユン(Carl Yoon)



特にキム部長は「文化戦争」のイシューを多くの自由右派市民に悟らせ、具体的な情報を示し、ゴミ左派との戦いで必ず必要な、しかし誰もできなかった熾烈で粘り強い根性を発揮し、汚い戦いの悪役となることを厭わなかった。 そのおかげで節操のないゴミ左派たちに無自覚に尽くしていた一部の芸能人たちが、それでも自重する姿を見せてきた。これはひとえに彼の功績だ。 彼らの放送内容は、お年寄りの目には芸能人周辺のことで雑談をしたり、くすくす笑って自分たちだけで騒いでいるように映ったかもしれないが、そうやって若い人たちがこの戦いに関心を持って近づける一助となったとすれば、十分に彼らの役割を果たしたといえる。 キムオジュンのニュース工場が若い人たちに与えてきた害悪の影響力を知っている人なら同意するだろう。

そんな彼らが、いつからか色々な理由で争って離合集散をするのを見ながら、私はとても困惑した。 非難、誹謗の書き込みがSNSで流されると眉をひそめたが、一緒になって同調したり抗議するよりは、そのままじっとしているのが最善だと思った。 それだけこの厳しい戦場で彼ら一人一人は皆、貴重で大切であり、時間が経つにつれて、そのような雑音も鎮まっていくことを願っていた。


彼の過ちや容疑について私は知りたくもないし、たとえ詳しく知っていたとしても、私は果たして、彼に石を投げることができるほど、私自身は道徳的に何の欠点もなく、私の人格は一つも欠点のない完璧な人なのだろうか? これまで彼を苦しめた人々にも同じように聞きたい。 みんなそうだと答えられるか?


ただ、この体制戦争の冷酷な現実を一体この人々はどう受け止めているのか、彼ら(左派)が長い間、力を入れて作ってきたこの傾いた運動場の弊害がどれほど深刻か、複雑かつ細やかに気づかれた彼らの組織がどれほど丈夫で堅固か、少しでも認識しているのか聞きたい。 それを知っているなら、これではいけない。 昨今の司法府がどれほど偏向しており、露骨にゴミ左派権力に尽くす集団かを十分に知るならば、彼(キムヨンホ)を彼ら(左派)の口に放り込むようなことはすべきではなかった。



※( )内、山本




BTS Jin is an assistant instructor of the basic military training,How will he live? Example of senior Yim Si-wan

English translation


five weeks of recruitment
After completing the basic military training,

“On “”Weverse,”” an exchange site with fans,
“I’m having fun and doing well” and posted a photo.

Jin is going to be an assistant instructor.
assist an instructor in training recruits

What kind of life will it be?

Example of Yim Si-wan
an entertainer as an assistant instructor.

Singers & Actors
Yim Si-wan ‘s appointment is complete.

December 1, 1988 (34 years old)

175cm (168 also) 60kg B type

In 2010,
a nine-member boy group
He made his debut as a member (lead vocalist) of “Children of the Empire” (ZE: A Zea).

as an actor
The movie “Lawyer” (2013),
The drama “Missen” (2014), etc.

Netflix movies
“I just dropped my phone” (released on February 17, 2023)


military service
the 25th Infantry Division of the Army
July 11, 2017 – March 27, 2007

in the first two months of someone’s enlistment
He was chosen as an exceptional fighter.

Shooting, physical strength, etc.
a person who has achieved excellent results

hit 18 of 20 shots on target

(Physical strength)
72 or more push-ups / 2 minutes
Over 86 sit-ups / 2 minutes
Within 12 minutes and 30 seconds of the 3km race

In a typical unit,
About 10 percent of the members are special-class warriors.

when selected as a special-class
get a four-night, five-day leave
(Depending on division, 3 nights and 4 days)

In 2016, Yunho of TVXQ became a special-class soldier and became a hot topic.

● Asian Economy June 18, 2019
Yim Si-wan’s successor
“I don’t want to see malicious comments.”
Due to the nature of teaching, there are many vacations.

Actor Yim Si-wan during his military service,
They were given more time off than ordinary soldiers.
criticism of someone’s preferential treatment

A media outlet reported:
·Im Siwan received 2.08 times more vacation time than ordinary soldiers during his military service.
·Im Siwan received the most vacation among 16 celebrities who joined the army from 2016 to 2018.
·This is a special favor for entertainers such as the entertainment soldier system, which was abolished in 2013.

Regarding the entertainment soldier system
I will talk in another video.


On June 17, in the army with Yim Si-wan,
A netizen who said he was with him posted on social media.
He said, “The 123-day vacation is not strange because of the duties of an assistant instructor.”

·Reject people and reporters who don’t know much about it but make bad comments
·Due to the characteristics of the unit called the Recruitment Education Corps, once the first term of recruitment training is completed,
be given a five-day four-night
·Our unit’s assistant instructor trained an average of 7 to 8 terms until they were discharged from the army.
·Yim Si-wan trained for the 8th term and received 40 days of consolation leave
·It is true that the assistant instructor have more vacations than ordinary soldiers because of this consolation vacation.
·Assistant teachers lead trainees on weekends and have less personal time than ordinary soldiers
·So, the commander of the army will give you a vacation in the sense of consolation.
·Not only Yim Si-wan, but also the high-achieving teachers had about 100-110 days off.
·Yim Si-wan was a model and a good senior who didn’t say a word of abuse.

Yim Si-wan’s office (PLUM A&C) also said on this day.
·It is true that I received more vacation days than ordinary soldiers, but I have never received unfair preferential treatment outside the scope permitted by the military unit.
·A total of 123 days of vacation that Yim Si-wan took while serving in the military
· Regular leave, vacation for treatment of injuries, consolation leave for Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Armed Forces Day events, and reward leave for special class warriors and exemplary soldiers, etc.
·When recruits enter the hospital, about 40 days of consolation leave was added as an alternative vacation due to the nature of the assistant who had to work on weekends for 5 weeks.

·He was a good predecessor who did not abuse or act harshly
·We shared the sweets given by the fans to the members.
·On the day of discharge, I took pictures with each company member and signed autographs.
·The reputation of the trainees trained by Yim Si-wan was good, and his image was even better.

Jin, please…
I want you to challenge yourself to a special-class warrior.

You don’t have to push yourself too hard, but…

The reason why there are so many celebrity assistants, from Hyun Bin to BTS Jin

English translation

Jin’s military life

Joined the 5th Division of Yeoncheon County, Gyeonggi Province
in the first five weeks of recruits training, the Company commander trainee

※ convey the instructions of the executives to the company and salute on behalf of the company

He then became an assistant instructor of the boot camp.

● Chosun Ilbo 2023.01.24
From Hyunbin to BTS Jin… Why are there so many military assistant instructors from celebrities?

celebrity assistant instructor
– Actors Hyun Bin, Kwon Sang Woo, Jeong Jong Myeong, Joo Won, Ko Kyung-pyo, Yu Seung-ho, Yim Si-wan, Kang Tae-oh, 2PM’s Ok Tae-kyung, Big Bang’s Taesung

·They have joined the military in active service, served as assistant instructors to train recruits, or are in service.
– Recently joined BTS member Jin

conditions for being chosen as an assistant instructor
·Performance must be good in various basic military exercises
·Humanly, they have to be a role model for other trainees.
·In the selection process of assistant instructors, we will evaluate all intellectual virtues.
·According to the Military Manpower Administration’s “Standards for Recruitment of Training School Assistants,” attendance rates in high school as well as high school life records will be checked during the selection process.
·Consider educational background and various martial arts certificates.
·There is also a physical fitness evaluation such as 1.5km running and push-ups.
·I will also have an interview for suitability.
·The motivation for application and ability to respond to unexpected situations that may occur during teaching are also verified.
·Perfect knowledge of basic military training such as formalities, shooting, incarnation, individual combat, grenades, etc., that trainees receive in group training for one month.
·You must memorize the instructions and take a written test.
·Execute training for trainees in front of a panel of judges consisting of instructors in charge of each subject at the training center and pass.

life as an assistant instructor
·Usually, the assistant instructors start the day about an hour earlier than the regular trainees.
·Sometimes I wait 24 hours a day even after my daily routine is over.
·Not to mention preparing for the next day’s education, but also working on duty in turn, so there is little personal time for assistant instructors during the recruitment training period.
·Unexpected unexpected situations occur while managing hundreds of trainees
·Mr. A, who served as an assistant instructor in the recruitment education team
“Since about 16 assistant instructors will train up to 300 trainees in eight platoons in the first term, we should always be careful of trainees who act suddenly.”
“·The “”compensation leave”” that assistant instructors get after completing the first term of recruitment education is also attractive.”
·Assistant instructors usually train for six terms with 18 months of military service, so they can take an average of 18 days more vacation than ordinary soldiers.

reason why celebrities are better suited to teaching assistant instructors
·Experts believe that the showmanship included in the job of entertainer is close to the role of assistant instructor.
·Analyzed that trainees who are trained as a group at their office from an early age and train while living in a training camp are similar to military life.

·There is also an opinion that the assistant instructor of celebrities will produce win-win results for both the Ministry of National Defense and celebrities.
·This is because it is an opportunity for the military to promote the unit naturally, and for celebrities to gain great trust from the public.
·The assistant instructor is the first face of the army that the trainee faces as soon as he joins the army.
·Celebrities’ affinity and trust are also effective in training recruits.

※That’s it for the article.

other possible reasons for entertainers to become assistant instructors
·Because of my profession, I can make a loud voice that goes well with me.
·Most people join the army late and become nearly 30 years old, so they are much older than other recruits around 20 years old.
·public look up to the celebrities
·Therefore, it is easy to give instructions.
·It’s safe to live in the unit.
↑ Implicit consideration

The declining birthrate is the most serious in the world in Korea.
The shortage of soldiers is a major problem.

As a result, criticism is mounting over the exemption of artists and athletes from military service.
BTS members weren’t exempt either.

There are also discussions about increasing the number of female soldiers and recruiting women.

If Jin had been an assistant in the recruitment training of female soldiers, the number of applicants would skyrocket

Is the shortage of soldiers solved?

Who is Ji Chang-wook, who will play the role of king in TVING “Queen Yu”?

English translation of this video


Ji Chang-wook
Appear in TVING “Queen Yu”
His strong love for his mother

It will be released next year (2024)
TVING Original Series
In “Queen Uji” (The Empress Uji)
Ji Chang-wook will be on the show

●News1 July 12, 2023
Jeong Jeong-seo, Kim Moo-yeol, and Ji Chang-wook
“Queen Yu” will be released on TVING next year

action historical drama

When the king died suddenly, Empress Yu, who was targeted by the princes seeking the throne and five tribes trying to seize power, struggled to establish a new king

The Empress Yu maintained power by Levirat marriage (the practice of widows marrying brothers of deceased husbands)

*Levirat is a marriage custom in Goguryeo, derived from the Latin word levir, which means brother-in-law

Jeong Jong-seo is the queen of Goguryeo, Woo-hee,

Ji Chang-wook is
Woohee’s husband, King Conanm

Conanm led 5,000 men,
superior in repelling 30,000 troops
King of Goguryeo

It will be released on TVING in 2024
TVING is a joint venture between CJ E&M, Naver and JTBC Korea OTT (Video Distribution Service) operated by TVING Corporation

Ji Chang-wook
July 5, 1987 (36 years old)

On May 9, 2022,
Interview with the release of Netflix drama “Annas Manara Magic Melody” (6th)

● Ten Asia, May 10, 2022
Poor Ji Chang-wook
“I grew up with a single mother and felt a great sense of loss.”
“I had a hard time with money”

·My father died early and I was raised by my mother
·There was a great sense of loss coming from there
*I felt empty as if I had a hole in my heart

·I realized at an early age that reality is harsh
·I had a hard time with money
·So I felt depressed when I remembered my childhood
·Even so, I was able to overcome it with my mother’s love

“Annas Manara” was released
#4 in Netflix Global Ranking in 2 Days


“Annas Manara” is
A fantasy musical drama in which a mysterious magician Ri-ul (Ji Chang-wook) suddenly appears in front of a girl who lost her dream due to poverty and a boy who is forced to do so

·”Annalas Manara”is a story that everyone can relate to.
·Poverty, money, grades, dreams, other people’s eyes and so on
·If you listen to the message, you will be able to enjoy it with a warm heart

He said that the reason he decided to appear in “Annas Manara” was because it felt like his story

·I also suffered from poverty when I was young
·Stress from grades was also severe
·The story of the boys and girls in the drama seemed to be about me

When did you think you became an adult?
·My mother, who I relied on, started to rely on me from a certain moment
·I felt strongly that I became the head of the family and an adult who had to carry heavy things

the end of an interview


Below is Namwiki’s explanation


·Going to the same school as actor Ryu Deok-kwan and junior high and high school
·Living only at home-school-juku(cram school) until the second year of high school
·It was boring and boring
·Decided to enter the drama and film department in the third year of high school
·When I suddenly said that I wanted to learn acting and become an actor, my mother strongly opposed it
·At that time, my mother was under a lot of stress
·My father passed away when he was young
·Growed up under a single mother

·I only decided to go to the drama and film department, but I didn’t attend acting school
·At that time, Ryu attended an acting academy to enter the drama and film department
·Ji Chang-wook used to take Ryu to the academy by bicycle every day
– One day, Ryu Deok-gwan said, “If you want to go to the drama and film department, don’t you have to attend an academy?”
·Then I realized the necessity

Ryu Deok-hwan
June 12, 1987 (36 years old)
an actor characterized by a boyish pretty face and small stature
Park Ha-sung, who is the same age, appeared as his older sister in the drama

Winner of Best New Actor at the 27th Blue Dragon Film Awards
boast outstanding acting skills
In the KBS short drama “Sunny Days,” he played a boy with physical and language disabilities, and showed overwhelming performance despite being a middle school student

My mother is a musical producer
I’ve appeared in many musicals
belong a small actor
This is a chronic problem for child actors who often shoot all night
Maybe that’s why I play roles younger than my real age
When I was in my twenties, there were many restrictions on casts because I was small
So I polished my acting more and more

be more active on cable TV and theater than on terrestrial television
be less recognized than his acting career
his fans are sorry about that

·Ji Chang-wook has steadily built his career as an actor
·Debut as an independent film, TV made its debut as a morning drama, and later appeared in movies and musicals with supporting roles in weekend dramas, weekday dramas and weekend dramas
·Ji Chang-wook is good at singing, so I sing a lot of OSTs for dramas and hold fan meetings in concert format

·he has excellent singing ability as a singer
·he has the ability to perform live concerts for about 2 hours easily
·He starred in a musical twice a day at a large theater 97 times in 6 months

– He’s been a fan of Cho Seung-woo since he was young.
·I went to see Jekyll and Hyde and got Cho Seung-woo’s autograph
·There are many eyewitness accounts because they frequently appear in musical performances
·I want to go and see it in person as much as possible
·I feel respected as an actor when I’m on stage, so my heart is always excited at the musical stage


·After “Empress Ki” (MBC Monday-Tuesday drama 2013-14), the main characters continued to be action movies
*A story based on historical facts, the custom of dedicating Korean women to China
However, a Goryeo girl rose to the rank of empress with her natural beauty and wit


·Famous as an action actor
·Actually, he is very good at acting with her body such as action

·Romantic comedy “Suspicious Partner” (SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama 2017)

·Lee Deok-hwa has loved him very much since I co-starred in “”Suspicious Partner”

Lee Deok-hwa
May 8, 1952 (71 years old)

Big stars of the 1980s and 1990s,
Tough guy, a great figure in the Korean entertainment industry

During Ji Chang-wook’s military days (August 14, 2017 – April 27, 2019), he came to see him

In the fishing variety show “Urban Fisherman” (Channel A Season 6 episode 19.06.06), she invited Chang-wook, who had just been discharged from the army, to express his relationship with him, saying, “Because Chang-wook have no father.”

·A filial son who cares for his mother
“When I was young, I walked with my mother in a shabby narrow alley,
What should I do if bad people show up now?
I thought I had to protect her.”

·Ji Chang-wook always seems to feel sad about her mother
·so he has never lived alone
·he still living with his mother in 2022,and maybe now

·his dream senior, Cho Seung-woo, is also close to mother
·Cho Seung-woo also still single

neat appearance
a great deal of talent
a good and beloved character

Ji Chang-wook has everything

a brilliant actor

However, this mother-to- son relationship,
It may be a little worrisome for future wives

ハンヒョジュ、新ドラマ「支配種」に出演 同じ作家の「秘密の森」もお薦めです

















BTSの兵役問題 東方神起も立派に務めたわけだし…


2015年7月21日~17年 4月20日





韓国の兵役 特別扱いBTSではなく 半導体技術者!?


●毎日経済 2022.06.20









#韓国アイドル #bts兵役 #韓国軍隊